About Us

That the firm has decided to act as Civil Engineering and its related all fields, Projects Management, Management Information System, System Engineering, Software and Hardware Solutions, Environmental Solutions, Environmental Management Systems and Other Fields related with Environmental under the name and style of A+ Consultants

A+ consultants are a member of the chamber of commerce and industry .A+ consultants CEO namely miss shamila Arfan is joint secretary of the environmental consultants association of Pakistan (ECAP) plus also a member of the Pakistan executive forum(PEF)
A + Consultants promotes sustainability in our business and in our community through the ongoing development of environmentally responsible business practices and consulting services. Our goal is to integrate environmentally responsible consulting into the framework of each client’s project to maximize value and reduce the environmental footprint. We are committed to contributing to the economic and environmental growth of the communities in which we work.

A + Consultants is dedicated to deliver environmentally sound, socially accepted and sustainable solutions that improve the environmental, Health & Safety and social performance of the clients and ultimately leading towards greener planet.

  • Adopt the client’s environmental and social challenges as our own.
  • To engage in development that is environmentally sustainable and socially/economically viable by adopting a practicable approach to environmental and social challenges wherein all sectors of society are engaged.
  • Provide the client with doable solutions for environmental and social problems that minimize the cost and liability.
  • Health and Safety Auditing and Advice
  • Project Risk Analysis
  • Surveys, Monitoring and Evaluation

A + Consultants Company has registered offices in Lahore providing comprehensive, responsive and high quality professional consulting services in environment and social sectors. Our approach has enabled us to maintain a permanent presence in Pakistan maintaining the standards expected of international regulatory authorities. We recognize our staff as being our most important source. A + Consultants personnel have professional environmental and social sectors experience extending throughout Pakistan as well as international level. The whole team members are qualified in their respective field’s viz., environment, social sciences and resettlement with complementary multi-disciplinary skills, enabling us to offer accurate, independent and appropriate advice to clients and to regulatory bodies. Our team members have extensive experience in their fields with international agencies like Asian Development Bank, World Bank, JICA, UNDP, JICB etc. and are familiar with the policies and guidelines of these agencies.

A + Consultants team of professional environmental and social consultants provides superior solutions for environmental, natural, cultural and sustainable resource needs in private and public sectors. Recognized for excellent customer service and modern-leading technical expertise, A + Consultants specializes in Environmental Laws and Regulation of the local, state and federal agencies;

a. To carry out the business of consultancy in the field of Environmental, social and economic development including; developing, monitoring and evaluation of environmental and social issues of engineering projects.

b. To carry out Feasibility studies and preparation of feasibility reports regarding establishment of Environmental Project, IEE (Initial Environmental Examination) and EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) process as per and subject to laws of land, Risk Assessment of Hazardous Chemical Storage and Post Project Monitoring.

c. To do, run, operate and establish the biogas plant, bio-digesters, environmental control Plants and Projects.

d. To develop household, community, agriculture and industrial solar energy plans, wind mills and water efficient technologies and develop infrastructure and run and operate all alternate energy technologies.

e. To carry out the consultancy services in the field of Environmental Audits and Compliance in industries.

f. To render the consultancy services in the field of HSE (Health, Safety and Environmental) services for human being in their communities and industries in order to protect the general public and industrial workers against the environmental hazards.

g. To work for the conservation of habitat, soil, energy, water and biodiversity, Supporting Rural Economic development by introducing Aquaculture and providing Training Service (General Environmental Awareness Training) for Public Awareness in Pakistan.

h. To study the solid waste management systems, air and water pollution and industrial waste water treatments.

i. To carry out the planning for contaminated land remediation, drinking water monitoring and fresh water assessment.